BNDES - Brazilian Development Bank

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The BNDES Abroad

For more than 50 years, the BNDES has been one of the driving forces behind Brazilian development, offering several financial support mechanisms to companies, individuals and public administration entities. The growing importance of Brazil in the world scenario, coupled with the interdependence of the globalized world economies, has compelled the BNDES to broaden its horizons and intensify its participation outside Brazil, as well.

In fact, the BNDES’ connection with the globalized market has existed for a very long time. The Bank pays full attention to exports in Brazil by fostering the production and the sales of locally-produced goods earmarked for foreign trade. In addition, the BNDES supports the internationalization of Brazilian companies, aiming at increasing their competitiveness which, in turn, propels the global economy.

The BNDES has other relations with the global market; for example, with multilateral organizations and fomentation agents, through which the Bank raises funds and finances projects of common interest. The BNDES has also consolidated its funding with the international market by issuing bonds.