Ethics Manager

Managing ethics in the BNDES System is carried out by the BNDES System’s Ethics Committee (CET/BNDES) and by the Ethics Committee’s Executive Office, which is linked to the BNDES’ President’s office, under the terms of the BNDES System’s Code of Ethics and the applicable legislation, especially Decree Nº. 6,029/2007 and Resolution Nº. 010/2008, of the Public Ethics Committee (PEC).

The current BNDES System’s Code of Ethics, approved in 2009, guides work developed to manage ethics by promoting educational efforts, by updating and improving norms, and by determining and applying the measures applicable in cases of ethical violations.

Annually, one third of the members of the BNDES System’s Ethics Committee is renewed, and members are assigned a three-year term, which can be renewed for another three-year term.

The BNDES has been a member of the National Ethics Management Forum in State-owned Companies since it was created in 2007, and it participates actively in monthly ordinary meetings and in the organization of the Annual Seminar on Ethics Management in State-owned Companies. Currently, some 20 companies comprise said Forum, which is dedicated to studying and debating matters related to ethics, taking into account its conceptual, philosophical, doctrinal, legal and administrative aspects, while sharing experiences and strengthening the management of ethics within the public sphere.

During the 7th Annual Seminar on Ethics Management in State-owned Companies, organized in 2011 by the Brazilian Nuclear Industries (INB), the experience of ethics management at the BNDES was one of the cases debated by participants. On this occasion, the BNDES assumed the commitment, with the support of its President, to coordinate and host the 8th Annual Seminar on Ethics Management in State-owned Companies in 2012, within the scope of the BNDES’ 60th anniversary celebrations.

Emotional abuse in the workplace was discussed openly with those attending the Forum, in a specific seminar. An internal Workgroup was also created to discuss the subject, define concepts as well as implement preventive and corrective measures.

In 2011, some 46 ordinary meetings and one extraordinary meeting were held by the BNDES System’s Ethics Committee. Besides its basic duties, the CET/BNDES collaborates with the workgroups on Emotional Abuse, Gender Pro-Equity and Socio-environmental Responsibility (RSA).

Some 72 new preliminary procedures (PP), resulting from 59 consultations and 13 complaints were opened. Orientation was given directly to the person who filed the consultation, or was sent to the pertinent unit. Complaints were investigated, resulting in two Ethics Investigation Processes (PAE), three Conduct Agreement signatures, three submissions to the Ombudsperson’s Office, one apology, one withdrawal and one case dismissed. Besides the two aforementioned PAEs, two others from 2010 were dealt with: one was deemed invalid and the other is being processed.

The main issues covered in preliminary procedures are demonstrated in the table below:

Main issues covered in preliminary procedures
Subject Occurrences
Parallel activities/teaching/conflict of interests 30
Professional and personal disrespect/conflicts 16
Presents and gifts 11
Securities 6
Other 9
Total 72


The CET/BNDES works independently and impartially, which strengthens the institution’s reputation and the internal respect from employees and their managers.

All procedures and processes being handled within the scope of the BNDES System’s Ethics Committee aim to respect the constitutional principles of adversary proceedings and full right to defense, maintaining secrecy and confidentiality of the names of parties involved, guaranteeing them respect of honor and image.

On the other hand, without breaching necessary confidentiality, proceedings are carried out transparently so that values, orientations and decisions are of public knowledge, aiming at building and maintaining an ethical environment at the BNDES.

Continuing to disseminate the ethical management at the BNDES, a lecture program was developed, which reaches approximately 24% of the workforce, as described below:

  • three lectures for all employees hired in 2011, within the scope of the New Employee Integration Program, with 203 participants; and
  • some 12 lectures in the Evolve Project (Evoluir), aimed at consolidating the BNDES’ values, of which ethics is one of the pillars, including approximately 450 employees.

The BNDES is certain it has achieved recognition and respect from Brazilian society. Ethical behavior while carrying out its activities is one of the values that have given rise to such acknowledgement. Maintaining the ethical tradition in the institution is a permanent commitment, and this factor highlights the ethical management work.