States and municipalities

In its contribution to reducing regional and social differences, the Bank has improved its financing mechanisms for state and municipal governments. This means that making investments feasible is a necessary element for social and economic development, including improvements to public management.

The objective is to maximize social and economic potentialities in each territory, with financing lines and programs that interact with public management priorities, with operations increasingly focused on investment programs linked to multiannual plans (PPAs) in each federative entity. Loans within the scope of the Growth Acceleration Program (PAC), with projects in sanitation, urbanization, subway transport and public administration, were made in sync with this objective.

Support for public administration is consolidated by means of a network of integrated products, specifically:

Support for public administration
Lines and programs linked to the integrated development (of states)
  • BNDES Estados
Lines and programs linked to improvements to public management
  • BNDES PMAT (Modernização da Administração Tributária e da Gestão dos Setores Sociais Básicos)
  • BNDES PMAE (Modernization of Revenue Administration and the Fiscal, Financial and Asset Management of the State Administrations)
Lines and programs linked to sectorial investments
  • Support Program for Environmental Sanitation and Hydric Resource Projects
  • Support Program for Public Transport Structuring Projects
  • Support Program for Educational, Health Social Assistance and Safety Services

Total disbursements by means of direct and indirect non-automatic operations for states in the Federation reached R$ 2.9 billion in 2011 and covered 25 states. The 10 federative units that received the most disbursements were Ceará, Bahia, Rio Grande do Sul, Sergipe, Pernambuco, Rio de Janeiro, Espírito Santo, São Paulo, Paraíba and Amazonas. This profile demonstrates the regional diversity of the BNDES’ releases. Of the total disbursed in 2011, some R$ 76.9 million was earmarked to finance projects within the scope of the PAC.

The main projects that received support in 2011 were:

The state of Acre: phase 5 of the Sustained Integration and Development Program (PIDS V) was contracted. The project is aimed at supporting infrastructure of social interest, pave the main secondary roads and streets in the state, urbanize structuring roads, strengthen support to the regional economy and modernize the management system. The BNDES’ financing is R$ 641 million, with releases slated between 2011 and 2014.

The state of Sergipe: support should make the implementation of the Sergipe infrastructure investment program feasible, which comprises programs aimed at integrating the state’s development. The investment being supported should: improve and expand the state’s highway system and the intra and inter-territory connections (reducing travel time) while providing infrastructure for production activities, including tourism. Investments in the health and basic sanitation segments are planned. The BNDES’ financing totals R$ 383 million, with releases slated between 2012 and 2015.

The municipality of Belo Horizonte: support within the scope of the Financing Line for Modernization of Tax Administration and Management of Basic Sectors (BNDES PMAT) for municipal modernization investments within the scope of tax, financial and asset management, as well as in the management of health and social and urban policy programs. Among the projects that have the participation of the Bank’s resources is the implementation of the integrated system for supply management, the modernization of property control, the implementation of corporate geo-processing, the modernization and computerization of the inspection process and the health information system, among others. The financed value was R$ 90 million, with the total investment reaching R$ 100 million.

This network – as well as the other operations – is complemented by the operations via automatic indirect financing programs and lines, especially the BNDES Finame products (focused on isolated acquisition of machinery and equipment); Provias (focused on the acquisition of machinery and equipment for interventions on public highways and roads); Prouca (focused on the digital inclusion of state, district or municipal public schools systems, by purchasing portable computers); Commuting to School (focused on renovating and expanding the fleet of school vehicles to transport public elementary school students, with a priority in rural areas); and PMAT Automatic (created to provide faster service for municipalities with a population of less than 150,000).